Shandong Shanding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Industry News

What is the future of excavators?

  • Update time: 2023-12-04

The market size of mini excavator is expanding: with the acceleration of urbanization and the continuous promotion of infrastructure construction, the market size of mini excavator is growing year by year. This trend has received the attention of domestic and foreign manufacturers, and new products are constantly launched.

Improved environmental protection requirements: With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the continuous improvement of environmental protection regulations, the environmental protection requirements of small excavators are also improving. Some companies have begun to develop and promote low-emission, low-noise mini excavator products.

Rapid development of the rental market: With the rapid development of construction projects, the rental market for small excavators is also rising rapidly. More and more enterprises choose to lease mini excavators to reduce costs and improve flexibility.

Increased competition in the international market: Competition in the mini excavator industry is not only limited to the domestic market, but also increasingly fierce in the international market. Chinese mini excavator enterprises need to improve product quality and competitiveness to gain a larger share in the international market.

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